
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Growth of the Law School Industry in the Postbellum Period

  Between 1868 and 1916 the United States Commissioner of Education produced an annual report on education in the United States. Immediately after the civil war government spending on education bloomed. In the south federal spending on education was part of the reconstruction plans set forth by congress and local governments. The office of education as added to the department of the Interior in 1867 by the republican eld congress. As the precursor to the Department of Education this office grew in complexity, staff, and budget until the 1970s. Henry Barnard the inaugural office holder was a Yale educated Lawyer who rose through political and education ranks to oversee states as governor and universities as president. The first report his office produced in 1868 was a massive undertaken nearly 1000 pages; The original report included policy plans, legislation, details about higher and public education, development of education for woman and education in the south, the creation and fun